netcdf metar/ncdecoded/files/250127.sf { dimensions: station = 5575; len8 = 8; len4 = 4; len2 = 2; time = 72; variables: float SLAT(station=5575); :long_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float :standard_name = "latitude"; float SLON(station=5575); :long_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float :standard_name = "longitude"; char STID(station=5575, len8=8); :long_name = "Station identifier"; :standard_name = "station_id"; int STNM(station=5575); :long_name = "WMO station id"; :missing_value = -9999; // int float SELV(station=5575); :long_name = "altitude"; :units = "meter"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float :positive = "up"; :standard_name = "station_altitude"; char STAT(station=5575, len2=2); :long_name = "state or province"; char COUN(station=5575, len2=2); :long_name = "country code"; char STD2(station=5575, len4=4); :long_name = "Extended station id"; int SPRI(station=5575); :long_name = "Station priority"; :missing_value = -9999; // int double time(time=72); :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :long_name = "time"; Structure { float PMSL; :long_name = "Mean sea level pressure"; :units = "millibar"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float ALTI; :long_name = "Altimeter setting"; :units = "inch_Hg"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float TMPC; :long_name = "Temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float DWPC; :long_name = "Dew-point temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float SKNT; :long_name = "Wind speed"; :units = "knot"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float DRCT; :long_name = "Wind direction"; :units = "degree"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float GUST; :long_name = "Wind gusts"; :units = "knot"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float WNUM; :long_name = "Numeric weather code"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CHC1; :long_name = "Cloud height and coverage level 1"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CHC2; :long_name = "Cloud height and coverage level 2"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CHC3; :long_name = "Cloud height and coverage level 3"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float VSBY; :long_name = "Visibility"; :units = "US_statute_mile"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P03D; :long_name = "Pressure tendency and group"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P03I; :long_name = "Total precipitation 03 hour"; :units = "in"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float MSUN; :long_name = "Duration of sunshine"; :units = "minute"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float SNOW; :long_name = "Snow depth"; :units = "inch"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float WEQS; :long_name = "Water equivalent of snow depth"; :units = "inch"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P24I; :long_name = "Total precipitation 24 hour"; :units = "in"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float TDXC; :long_name = "Maximum 24 hour temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float TDNC; :long_name = "Minimum 24 hour temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P03C; :long_name = "3 hr pressure change"; :units = "millibar"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CTYL; :long_name = "Low-level cloud genera"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CTYM; :long_name = "Mid-level cloud genera"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CTYH; :long_name = "High-level cloud genera"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P06I; :long_name = "Total precipitation 06 hour"; :units = "in"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float T6XC; :long_name = "Maximum 6 hour temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float T6NC; :long_name = "Minimum 6 hour temperature"; :units = "degC"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float CEIL; :long_name = "Ceiling"; :units = "100.ft"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float P01I; :long_name = "Total precipitation 01 hour"; :units = "in"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float float SNEW; :long_name = "Amount of new snow"; :units = "inch"; :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float byte _isMissing; :description = "missing flag - 1 means all params are missing"; :missing_value = 1B; // byte } SFDT(station=5575, time=72); :coordinates = "time SLAT SLON SELV"; // global attributes: :CF:featureType = "timeSeries"; :Conventions = "GEMPAK/CDM"; :file_format = "GEMPAK Surface (standard)"; :history = "Direct read of GEMPAK Surface (standard) into NetCDF-Java API"; :featureType = "timeSeries"; }